Client Privacy Policy

At Withers Design Associates Limited, we are committed to the privacy of your personal data. This is also a requirement under the Data Protection Act 1996 and the General Data Protection Regulations effective from 25 May 2018 and we as a company comply with the principles of these regulations. The following policy applies to personal information and data provided to Withers Design Associates Limited to enable the accurate provision of our services provided to you and your Company.

Your consent

Your use of Civil Engineering services signifies your consent to allow us to collect and use personal information about you and your Company in accordance with this policy. Should we change our policy for any reason, this website will be updated, so that you are always kept informed of how we collect, store, use and disclose personal data.

This privacy policy describes:

  • the information we collect as part of the services we provide to you
  • What we do with it
  • Who we share parts of it with

What Information we collect

In order to fulfil our contractual and legal obligations as a Consultancy we do hold information about our clients, fellow Consultancies and public authorities. We respect the integrity of this data and work to ensure that this data is kept securely and used solely for the purpose of delivering our Design services or complying with legal regulations.

If you believe that any information we hold about you or your Company are inaccurate, please notify us, and we will do our best to correct it as quickly as possible.

Some of the information you give will be held in databases. We ensure that these are secure, password protected and can only be accessed by authorised people.

Who will have access to the Data?

Any information you give will be available to our employees directly employed by Withers Design Associates Limited. Information you give is used solely for providing you with the services requested.

In addition, as part of our service to clients, we will provide the necessary information to the following third parties:

Local Authorities – for Technical Submissions to be processed.

Other Design Consultancies such as but not limited to:  Architectural Engineers; Structural Engineers; Planning Consultants; Building Contractors; Survey providers; Ordnance Survey data providers

Your use of our Civil Engineering Services signifies your consent for us to share your data in this way.  You will be informed when third parties are needed to complete the services requested.

We are not responsible for the privacy policies, content or practices of any third parties. You are advised to read the privacy policies of other websites before disclosing any personal information.

How long we keep the Data

We will retain personal information, on our systems, for no longer than necessary.

However, Legal obligations require us to keep all design data related to our projects for 12 years post building completion.

Some of the information you give will be held in these project databases. We ensure that these are secure, password protected and can only be accessed by authorised people.