This is the third Project we have worked on with Aviary Developments, since their first appointment in 2021. We also Produced the Civils Pack for Birkett Hall, Woodham Ferrers and Priors Hall Farm, Lindsell.
This Project was for Civil Engineering Design for 9 Dwellings off Water Lane, Steeple Bumpstead.
Our Scope of Works Included:
AutoCAD Construction Site Layout*Finished Levels Design *Simple Junction Access *
Private Onsite Access Road/Shared Driveway*External Works Plan *
Private Gravity Surface Water Drainage Design*Private Gravity Foul Water Drainage*
Private domestic foul & surface water drainage design*
Private External Works & Drainage Construction Details*Setting Out data *
Electronic submission for Building Regulations Approval * CDM Risk Assessment *Vehicle Tracking*
Section 106 Sewer Connection Application *SUDs Management & Maintenance Schedules *Ordinary Watercourse Consent Application